mcnThe output strings of standard WordPress function comments-number are correct for languages having only a singular and plural form. But, for example, Slavic languages have singular and plural, and a special form (paucal) for numbers where the last digit is 2, 3 or 4, (excluding endings of 12, 13 and 14). In addition, Slovenian preserved pure dual, using it for numbers ending in 2. In Serbo-Croatian (in addition to the paucal for numbers 2-4), several nouns have alternate forms for counting plural and collective plural (the latter being treated as a collective noun) … etc. This is a problem. multilingual-comments-number plugin corrects this problem.

This post is available on russian language.
Support Forum for this plugin.


  • Multilingual
  • Correct performing for strings containing HTML tags
  • No changes for “only-numeric” strings

Comments Edit Posts Blog Posts

Available languages

  • English (of course)
  • Russian
  • German
  • Polish
  • Belorussian
  • Ukrainian
  • Czech

If you have created your own language pack, or have an update of an existing one, you can send .po and .mo files to me (minimus AT so that I can bundle it into multilingual-comments-number. If you not familiar with po, mo, gettext etc., you can jast send comment to this post with translation of five strings (or more if needed):

  1. No comments
  2. One comment
  3. 21 comments
  4. 22 comments
  5. 25 comments

Do not translate numbers, only words! Do not forget write language of translation!


  1. Upload plugin dir to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. That is all.


Multilingual Comments Number
Adds correct multilingual comments numbering to wordpress blog.

Author: minimus, version: 2.0.24, updated: May 6, 2024,
Requires WP version: 3.0 or higher, tested up to: 6.5.5.
Download ( hits) (1 vote)

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